Mommy Makeover 360 TM In Manhattan, New York

Mommy Makeover 360 is a trademark procedure which is offered by Dr. Singh, an expert in Mommy Makeover surgery. Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful experience in a woman’s life. However, the residual effects of pregnancy in the form of abdominal laxity and excess fat deposition in hips and back with flattened buttocks can be discerning to the patients.

Dr. Singh offers a unique one-step fix to address both abdomen and back using his trademark Mommy Makeover 360 surgery. The abdominal laxity is addressed with removal of excess abdominal skin, plication of abdominal core muscles and repositioning of the umbilicus. In addition, this procedure includes liposuction of abdomen and back and fat transfer to the hips and buttocks. Typically, this procedure is not offered as a one-step surgery by most of surgeons. However, with his customized techniques and controlled finesse, Dr Singh is able to provide excellent outcomes while minimizing complications.

Dr Singh suggests that mommy makeover 360 surgery can be life changing procedure for ideal patients. He further adds that the abdominal skin laxity from pregnancy cannot be fixed with just liposuction and requires additional procedures. The advantage of this technique is that you do not have to undergo multiple procedures and it can also minimize the risks of having repeated general anesthesia.

While this procedure is aimed for patients recovering from changes in their body due to pregnancy, It can also be considered for patients who had massive weight loss procedure. If you think you might be a good candidate, reach out to schedule a consult with Dr. Singh. His primary office is in Manhattan, New York. However, he also has a secondary office in Beverly Hills to serve the west coast patients.

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