Facelift (Rhytidectomy NYC)

One of the first places that the signs of aging appear most significantly is the face. It manifests as unsightly wrinkles, saggy skin, and the loss of volume. These contribute to an aged appearance, contrary to a youthful personality.

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What is Facelift Surgery?

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic procedure that rejuvenates signs of aging on the facial and neck regions. These signs include wrinkles, fine lines, and loose or saggy skin. Despite the name, this surgery also has effects similar to a neck lift.

In the procedure, Dr. Singh carefully removes excess skin and tightens the underlying tissues and musculature.

Common areas that a facelift addresses:

  • Jowls
  • Cheeks
  • Jawline
  • Neck

To meet every patient’s unique needs, Dr. Singh can highly customize a facelift. Before undergoing any surgery, it is important to schedule a consultation to determine the best approach for your goals.

What are the Facial Signs of Aging?

The signs of aging, most apparent on the face, are the result of gravity and the natural loss of facial volume.

Gravity’s pull causes skin and tissue to droop and become loose or saggy. This is a main cause of jowls, which cause the face to become wider and more rectangular. It also causes more pronounced contouring in the face, leading to deep lines, folds, and dark shadows. These contribute to an aged, overly tired appearance.

These signs are directly opposite of the mental image we have associated with youthfulness: a heart-shaped face.

Reverse the Signs of Aging with a Facelift

With this procedure, a patient can easily restore 10 years’ worth of time to their facial aesthetics.

Prominent jowls, sagging skin and cheeks, turkey neck, and nasolabial folds are some of the most common signs of aging that patients complain of. An expert in facial plastic surgery, such as Dr. Mansher Singh, can easily address these areas with a facelift.

Dr. Singh is certified by the American Board of Surgery and practices in New York City. He specializes in addressing the facial signs of aging, to restore a youthful appearance to his patients.

A Womans Face with Illustration of Facelift Surgical Lines.

Should I Undergo Facelift Surgery?

When contemplating this procedure, there are certain indicators that suggest you might be an ideal candidate. One common sign is that you appear older or more tired than you actually are. And when treatments, like Botox or facial fillers, no longer deliver the rejuvenation they used to, a facelift could be the next step. Many people opt for non-surgical treatments over face-lifting surgery. They find the results are short-lived and it’s an expensive endeavor to maintain. A facelift, on the other hand, requires low upkeep and can last upwards of 15 years. Potential patients should keep realistic expectations about what this procedure can and cannot do. It isn’t an end all solution and requires patients to maintain their results. Some examples of what a facelift can’t do include:
  • Improve skin texture and conditions.
  • Prevent further signs of aging.
  • Address sagging eyelids or eyebrows.
(To correct eye-region issues, a patient can choose to pair an eyelid lift surgery.) In regard to realistic expectations, this procedure is not a replacement for an active lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle will harm your results, and Dr. Singh suggests maintaining a healthy diet, exercise, and sun exposure.

The Various Approaches to Facelift Surgery

The deep plane facelift stands out for its in-depth approach. Dr. Singh is able to achieve longer-lasting, more natural results, by carefully adjusting the deepest musculature and fascia. This approach addresses the signs of aging and takes measures to slow them in the future.

The procedure mainly corrects sagging cheeks, in addition to lifting the jawline and neck. Dr. Singh easily hides the small incision in the hairline, further adding to the natural appearance.

Dr. Singh’s take on the deep plane facelift is a unique one, without the usage of general anesthesia. Instead, he uses oral sedation, which provides a quicker recovery time and makes significant bleeding less likely. Simply put this ‘awake’ method is safer and patients enjoy a speedier recovery.


Compared to other procedures, a mini facelift is ‘minimally invasive.’ This means the incisions are smaller, the surgery is less severe, and the recovery is typically shorter and easier. Most patients do not require a full facelift, so this serves as a great alternative.

The mini facelift focuses solely on the lower half of the face, where signs of aging can be most significant. Specifically, it addresses jowls and the sagging skin around the jawline and neck.

Vertical Facelift

The traditional facelift involves simply tightening the skin to smooth wrinkles and lift sagginess. However, a vertical facelift requires the surgeon to understand how angles affect how natural the results look. This makes it a significantly challenging technique to master.

It primarily focuses on the angle of the cheeks and its effect on smile lines and jowls.

Patients with more severely drooping skin would benefit most from a SMAS facelift. The surgeon manipulates the muscles of the Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System, beneath the face, to provide a superior lifting effect to traditional methods.

By addressing the muscles, rather than the skin, the SMAS facelift avoids obvious signs of having undergone the procedure. It also provides more natural results than contemporary options.

How Long is the Recovery Period?

Factors, like the type of procedure and the patient’s ability to heal, affect how a facelift’s recovery will take. It also depends on how invasive the procedure is, the level of post-op care, and the type of anesthesia used.

As a general rule of thumb, the recovery can require upwards of 2 weeks. Patients typically experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort, but these subside relatively quickly. In this time, Dr. Singh stresses that patients avoid laborious activities, like exercise. Patients should instead focus on resting and adhering to at-home care instructions.

About a month after surgery, patients can safely return to their normal routines and work. To ensure the quickest and smoothest recovery, Dr. Singh will provide thorough instructions for at-home care.

FAQ About Facelifting Procedures

What can a facelift help with?

A rhytidectomy, or facelift, is a cosmetic surgery that addresses various signs of aging on the face and neck. For many patients, some problem areas are the jowls, cheeks, jawline, and neck. While a facelift typically doesn’t affect sagging eyelids or brows, patients can pair a blepharoplasty to address these.

What type of facelift is best for me?

With multiple approaches to the same procedure, it can be difficult to choose the right one. To determine which is right for you, it’s best to schedule a consultation with a qualified surgeon. Dr. Mansher Singh is a certified surgeon in NYC and is able to provide his expert opinion.

What is the recovery time of a facelift procedure?

Not all recovery periods are the same between patients. While the individual is a major factor, it can also depend on the surgery itself and how well the patient cares for their wounds. The process can take upwards of a month before the patient can begin physical exercise and return to work.

How much does a facelift cost?

The pricing of a facelift differs between surgeons. The location, extent of the surgery, and their experience and reputation are major factors in determining the cost. Usually, a practice will offer various financial plans, for a more affordable fee.

What are the risks of a facelift?

A facelift, like any surgical procedure, comes with inherent risks. The most obvious risk is that the patient will be disapproving of their results. Aside from this, there is the risk of infection, nerve damage, and scarring.

But Dr. Mansher Singh can easily avoid these complications with his superior care and attention to detail. During a consultation, he will thoroughly discuss the risks, so you can properly consider everything and weigh the options.

Why Your Facelift Should Be with Dr. Singh

Dr. Mansher Singh is one of New York’s leading facial plastic surgeons. With dedication to his craft, he was the Chief Resident at Harvard’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. At Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, he spent 3 years specializing in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and becoming Chief Resident.

With fellowships under renowned plastic surgeons, Dr. Singh honed his craft as an expert in deep plane facelift surgery. He also offers his expertise for patients requiring other approaches to facelift surgery, such as ‘vertical’, ‘SMAS’, and ‘mini’.

Dr. Singh’s patients are able to walk away from the operation with the self-confidence they deserve, a point that he prides himself on.

Scheduling a Consultation

Consider a consultation with Dr. Singh in NYC, if you notice significant aging signs on your face and neck. He emphasizes the importance of choosing the correct facelift technique, since different choices work better for others. Choosing the wrong method can result in an unnatural plastic appearance, often associated with many celebrities. Dr. Singh’s approach to face lifting focuses on achieving a more natural and refreshed look. He recognizes the importance of the underlying muscles, rather than simply pulling the skin back and tightening. For more information about the procedure, or to schedule a consultation, you can call his office at (212) 470-4020.
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