Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty (Liquid Rhinoplasty)

Does the shape of your nose bother you? Are you interested in the correction of nasal deformity but do not want to undergo a surgical procedure? If so, you must consider Liquid Rhinoplasty. Unlike surgical Rhinoplasty, which requires an inherent recovery period, liquid Rhinoplasty can be done in 15-30 minutes with almost zero downtime. It can address various sorts of issues like a dorsal hump, a drooping nasal tip, asymmetry, etc. If you are considering liquid Rhinoplasty, then count on Dr. Mansher Singh, the expert on Liquid Rhinoplasty in Manhattan, New York. 

Perfect Side Profile of Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

What is a Liquid Rhinoplasty

While the traditional approach provides more dramatic results, some patients only require minimal enhancement without the need for surgery.

It’s also called “liquid rhinoplasty”. This is because fillers are used to achieve the results. Dr. Singh prefers to inject Juvéderm, which has hyaluronic acid, a substance that keeps the skin hydrated and plumped up.

Liquid rhinoplasty provides a quick and effective solution to aesthetic concerns like dorsal hump, drooping nasal tip, and minor asymmetries, with results that are almost immediately visible. This approach is also much safer. Non-surgical rhinoplasty also boasts an incredibly short downtime, with patients returning to work and daily routines, right after.

The results often last 6-12 months. While temporary, it can offer a satisfying preview of what patients can achieve through more permanent, surgical means.

What Can Liquid Rhinoplasty Correct?

This treatment provides subtle, yet impactful changes. Some of the most common concerns that patients have is a pronounced dorsal hump, drooping nasal tip, and asymmetry. Liquid rhinoplasty can easily correct these. It can also adjust the angle of the nose in relation to the upper lip, to improve balance between facial features.

This procedure is advantageous for patients who only require minor adjustments. It also allows them to see potential changes before committing to permanent alterations, like with traditional rhinoplasty. However, it cannot narrow the nasal bridge or significantly alter the structure. It serves as an excellent option for those seeking enhancement with minimal invasiveness and recovery time.

Surgical vs. Non-Surgical Nose Job

Traditional rhinoplasty is a well-established procedure, designed to permanently change the shape, size, and position of the nose. It addresses cosmetic and functional nasal issues. In this procedure, Dr. Singh makes incisions to access the bones and cartilage that form the underlying structure. This access allows him to make more substantial, permanent enhancements.

In contrast, liquid rhinoplasty offers a non-invasive alternative that makes use of injectable fillers, to achieve similar results, without altering the nose’s structure. With Juvéderm, the changes are temporary. Another major difference is its inability to reduce the nose’s size, but it can modify its contours to improve facial harmony.

The session requires roughly 30 minutes. Typically, the traditional approach takes hours to perform and includes anesthesia, while its nonsurgical counterpart does not.

How is Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Performed?

The process begins with a consultation, where Dr. Mansher Singh can evaluate the patient, assess their goals and needs, and help determine the best approach for them. Using Juvéderm, he can achieve their desired outcome. This is a dermal filler with hyaluronic acid, renowned for its safety, reversibility, quick downtime, and immediate results.

The procedure is typically pain-free. Though, if the patient requests, Dr. Singh can apply a topical cream to numb the treatment area. A session only takes 15-30 minutes. It requires minimal preparation and downtime and is done in the comfort of Dr. Singh’s office.

To be precise, Dr. Singh uses a fine needle. He makes sure to inject just the right amount of filler, to avoid an unnatural or “done” appearance.

Recovery Period of Liquid Rhinoplasty

The healing process is incredibly brief, and patients can immediately return to work and their daily activities. This includes light workouts and exercise. Such a significantly small downtime makes it an appealing choice for busy individuals.

Some minor side effects like swelling and redness are common around the injection site, but many patients report it subsiding within a few hours to a couple of days. Bruising, another common reaction, can easily be concealed with makeup.

While patients can resume light exercise, Dr. Singh recommends avoiding strenuous activities for the first 24 hours. That will give the injectable enough time to stabilize and settle within the nasal tissues. He also advises patients not to wear glasses for this period, since it can displace the filler.

Who Can Get Liquid Rhinoplasty?

This treatment is perfect for individuals seeking to correct minor imperfections with the nasal profile, without undergoing invasive surgery. With temporary results, it’s also good for those who just want to see how a change might look, without committing to permanent alterations. Importantly, potential candidates have realistic expectations about the outcome. Patients should recognize that fillers will not address concerns regarding internal nasal structures or improve breathing issues.

Dr. Singh recommends it for those who might be hesitant about going under the knife. Especially because of its superior safety and lack of associated risks.

To determine if it’s right for you, consider a consultation. A meeting with Dr. Singh will allow you to decide if liquid rhinoplasty is right for your needs and goals.

Consulting with Dr. Mansher Singh

With a one-on-one meeting, candidates can see the highly personalized approach that sets Dr. Singh apart from other surgeons. During a consultation, he will listen to your concerns, assess the treatment area, help determine the best approach, and finally, formulate a plan that is tailored to you specifically. He ensures the most desirable outcome through educating on and discussing the procedure’s ins and outs.

His extensive training and experience make him a reputable specialist. For more details about the procedure, or to schedule a consultation, call his office at (212) 470-4020. Alternatively, you can visit his website.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty FAQ

Is the procedure safe?

Unlike traditional surgery, liquid rhinoplasty is associated with little risk, because it primarily involves the use of injectable fillers. These are generally well-tolerated. However, as with any cosmetic procedure, it typically comes with minor swelling and bruising. There is a rare chance for more severe reactions, like filler migration or vascular complications, but Dr. Singh performs the session with utmost care. He only uses FDA-approved fillers.

Should I undergo liquid rhinoplasty?

Ideal candidates are looking to make subtle enhancements such as smoothing out bumps, lifting the nasal tip, and correcting asymmetric features. It best addresses minor imperfections. However, those with functionality concerns or who want significant structural changes will benefit more from surgical rhinoplasty.

Are the results permanent?

Using dermal fillers, every change is temporary — they tend to last 6-12 months, depending on the type of injectable. Dr. Singh uses Juvéderm, which has hyaluronic acid. It’s known for being highly hydrating and its ability to hold water.

How quickly can I return to work?

With minimal downtime, most patients find themselves resuming daily routines almost immediately. Some even schedule a session on their lunch break, because it’s such a quick session. Though, Dr. Singh advises they avoid strenuous activities for up to 2 days after the treatment, to ensure the best results and minimize side effects.

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