What is it the best facelift technique for facial rejuvenation?
A Facelift is the most popular and definitive way to rejuvenate an aging face. It helps restore droopiness and jowling in your face, as well as the sagging neck appearance. Although there is no proven study to establish the superiority of one technique over another, the Deep Plan...
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What SMAS technique is best for Facelift
This question is the pandora's box of Facelift. There are many ways to skin a cat would be the perfect etiology to answer this question. Facelift entails raising the skin layer of your face, and there is resection of skin involved to tighten your face. However, things get r...
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Can BBL be combined with Tummy Tuck?
I have met lots of patients in consultation for mommy makeover who want to address their abdomen, back and buttocks with procedures that would give them the best results. Given the abdominal skin laxity and deflated buttocks, the best solution might be a combined proced...
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Which facial procedures give you the most bank for your buck that can be done under local anesthesia
This is a very interesting question and can be almost misleading since there is a lot that can be achieved under local anesthesia. In an appropriate patient, Facelift can safely be performed under local anesthesia. However, in the context of this blog, we are going to focus on pr...
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Can you do liposuction/BBL under local anesthesia
There are lots of patients who are afraid of general anesthesia and would very much prefer to have procedures done under local anesthesia. I have been a big proponent for a long time of doing liposuction Liposuction under general anesthesia to achieve the desired results and stil...
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How to minimize the risk of capsular contracture during and after Breast Augmentation
Capsular contracture is the nemesis of Breast Augmentation and can cause discomfort to the patient. The best way to describe capsular contracture is to think of breast implants as foreign objects. When placed inside the breast pocket, the body reacts to it by forming a capsule ar...
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