Eyelid Lift Surgery in NYC

The signs of aging can manifest in a variety of ways. Most notably, it can accumulate as crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, sagging brows, and hollow under-eye bags. Despite feeling youthful on the inside, these result in a more tired, aged appearance. Annually, more than 100,000 people turn to eyelid lift surgery to rejuvenate and restore a youthful look to their eyes.

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What is Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid lift, is a surgical procedure that refreshes the eye area of various signs of aging. The procedure is a popular choice for achieving a youthful appearance, particularly for eyes that look droopy or tired. Depending on each patient’s specific needs and goals, Dr. Singh uses two approaches to blepharoplasty: “upper” and “lower.”

These surgeries address a variety of age-related issues, such as droopy eye lids, hanging skin, wrinkles, and bags. They go beyond cosmetic concerns and can even impair vision and alter the eye’s natural shape.

With advanced techniques, Dr. Singh carefully removes skin and fat to improve vision and smooth wrinkles, like “crow’s feet.” To hide scars and ensure the most natural-looking results, he creates incisions in the natural folds and creases of the skin. Caring for each patient’s unique aesthetic goals, he focuses on achieving the best results and minimizing scarring.

Eyelid Lift Surgery - Blepharoplasty

Eyelid-Lift Techniques

Eyelid surgery is not a one-size-fits-all solution; it comprises two distinct approaches: upper and lower blepharoplasty. Dr. Singh uses both techniques to address age-related concerns, but it depends on the specific patient’s desired outcomes.

Upper Blepharoplasty

Upper blepharoplasty focuses on issues related to the upper eyelid. This technique is an effective solution for removing excess skin that droops and impairs vision. It also addresses sagging upper eyelids, a condition known as ptosis.

Beginning the surgery, Dr. Singh carefully marks the natural lines and creases of the eyelids. He uses them as a guide, to ensure the incisions are as discreet as possible. Through these incisions, he removes or relocates excess fat, muscle, and loose skin. This not only improves the patient’s field of vision but also rejuvenates the appearance of the eyes, for a more refreshed and alert look.

For patients who are also suffering from droopy eyebrows, a brow lift might be beneficial. Patients commonly pair their upper eyelid lift with a brow lift, for enhanced results.

Lower Blepharoplasty

Lower blepharoplasty, on the other hand, addresses under-eye bags, puffiness, and wrinkles. This procedure can also correct extreme droopiness that reveals too much of the whites of the eyes. Dr. Singh’s approach involves an incision made just below the lash line or along the smile creases of the lower eyelid. He carefully removes or repositions fat, muscle, and tissue to smooth and rejuvenate the under-eye area.

The technique for lower blepharoplasty varies based on the patient’s specific needs. It can involve an external incision below the eyelashes or an incision inside the eyelid. This choice depends on factors like the patient’s age, skin quality, and the degree of correction needed. Regardless, the placement of the incisions ensures minimal scarring and aims to provide a refreshed, youthful look.

Recovering From My Eyelid Lift Surgery

After surgery, patients typically experience tightness and mild discomfort around their eyelids, often accompanied by dryness or itchiness. Bruising and swelling are not uncommon but usually subside within the first two weeks. To help manage discomfort, Dr. Singh prescribes pain medication. At home, he also encourages patients to wear a cold compress and keep their heads elevated.

Within a week after surgery, Dr. Singh removes any external sutures and provides further instructions for at-home care.

The recovery period varies, depending on whether it was upper or lower blepharoplasty and the extent of the surgery. Generally, most patients can return to work and normal activities in about 2 weeks. For the first week, patients should avoid strenuous activities, including light workouts.

Consult with a Trusted Surgeon

To ensure the best outcome and desired results, it’s important to find a reputable, trustworthy provider. Dr. Mansher Singh is a board-certified surgeon in NYC, who specializes in facial plastic surgery. Dr Singh has an educational background at Harvard and Johns Hopkins and is an expert in his field.

In a consultation with Dr. Singh, he will incorporate your goals and needs to find the best approach for you. He believes that every surgery is different, and there is no cookie-cutter approach to plastic surgery.

To schedule a consultation or to learn more about blepharoplasty, call his Manhattan office at (212) 470-4020.

FAQ About Blepharoplasty

How painful is the surgery?

Before surgery, Dr. Singh uses anesthesia to ensure the patient is comfortable and pain-free. Following the procedure, most patients experience discomfort and swelling, which usually subsides within the first week or two. To manage any additional discomfort, he also prescribes pain medicine.

How long is the recovery from blepharoplasty?

Recovery depends on factors, such as the technique (upper or lower), the extent of surgery, and the patient’s genetics. Here are some general timelines:
  • Initial Recovery: Most patients experience much of their swelling and bruising in the first week post-surgery. During this period, patients should rest and avoid strenuous activities.
  • Visible Bruising: For upper eyelid surgery, bruising typically resolves within about 4 days. For lower eyelid surgery, it may last between 7 to 10 days.
  • Returning to Normal Activities: Dr. Singh recommends waiting about 3 weeks before fully resuming regular activities, including any vigorous exercise or heavy lifting. However, most patients feel comfortable returning to work after about 10 days.
Complete Healing: Most swelling typically subsides within a few weeks. However, it can take several months for the results to fully manifest.

How long will my results last?

How long your results last depend on several factors, including the patient’s age, skin quality, and lifestyle. In many cases, the results of an upper blepharoplasty can last upwards of 5 to 7 years, or longer. Surgeons generally consider the results of lower blepharoplasty to be permanent.

What is the price of an eyelid lift surgery?

The cost of a blepharoplasty can vary, depending on factors like location, the technique, and the surgery’s extent. This procedure is both cosmetic and functional, so potential candidates should contact their insurance provider to assess the cost.

Will I have any scars?

The blepharoplasty procedure requires incisions, so scarring is inevitable. Dr. Singh proactively hides these incisions within the natural folds of the eyelids, to ensure scars are barely visible.
  • In an upper blepharoplasty, he makes incisions within the creases of the upper lid. Once healed, the scars tend to become fine lines that appear natural.
  • In a lower blepharoplasty, he makes incisions in either of two places. This can be below the eyelash line or on the inside of the lower eyelid. With this method, there is no visible external scar.
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