Patient 1
50 y.o female who had massive weight loss and underwent Deep Plane Facelift and Necklift. She is now 3 months out from the surgery.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 2
44 y.o female who had facial and neck sagging from massive weight loss. She underwent Deep Plane Facelift, Necklift and Facial Fat Transfer and is now 1 year out from the surgery.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 3
41 y.o female who had massive weight loss and is 3 months out from Deep Plane Facelift, Necklift, Buccal Fat Reduction, Facial Fat Transfer.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 4
45 y.o female who is now 6 months out from Deep Plane Facelift Necklift and Lower Blepharoplasty.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 5
49 y.o female who is 3 months out from Deep Plane Facelift Necklift.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 6
47 y.o female who is now 6 months out from Deep Plane Facelift Necklift.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 7
49 y.o female who is 6 months out from Deep Plane Facelift and Necklift.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 8
The patient is a 43-year-old male who had excessive skin laxity due to massive weight loss and underwent an Extended Deep plane Neck Lift under local anesthesia with oral sedation. He is now 5 weeks postop with a significantly improved jawline and deep neck.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 9
The patient is a 49-year-old female who was concerned with her jowling, deep nasolabial folds, and overall aged appearance of her face. She underwent a Deep Plane Facelift.Here she is 5 weeks post from facelift performed under local anesthesia and you can see how much more refreshed and rejuvenated she appears.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 10
Facelift Photos from this 47 y/o female patient who is 3 months s/p Awake Deep Plane Facelift and Necklift.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 11
The patient is a 43 y/o female who underwent awake Deep Plane Facelift and Necklift. She is now 2 months out from the surgery.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 12
The patient is a 43-year-old female who underwent a Deep Plane facelift and neck lift and is now 2 months out from the surgery.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 13
The patient is a 48-year-old female who is 3 months out from Awake Deep Plane Facelift and Necklift.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 14
The patient is a 46-year-old female who was concerned with a heavy neck and double chin appearance. She flew from out of the country and underwent an Awake Deep plane Facelift, Extended Necklift, and Buccal Fat Removal. She is now 6 weeks out with significant improvement in his jawline, neck, and face.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 15
The patient is a 42-year-old male who was concerned with a heavy neck and double chin appearance. He flew out of state and underwent an Awake Deep Plane Facelift and Extended Necklift. He is now 6 weeks out with significant improvement in his jawline, neck, and face.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 16
The patient is a 50-year-old female who was concerned with jowling, a sagging neck, and signs of facial aging. She flew from out of the country and underwent Awake Deep plane Facelift, Extended Necklift, and Buccal Fat Removal. She is now 2 months out with significant improvement in his jawline, neck, and face.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 17
The patient is a 48-year-old female who was concerned with a double chin, heavy neck, and signs of facial aging. She flew from out of the country and underwent Awake Deep plane Facelift, Extended Necklift, and Buccal Fat Removal. She is now 2 months out with significant improvement in her jawline, neck, and face.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 18
The patient is a 50-year-old female who underwent an Awake Deep Plane Facelift and Necklift and is now 3 months out from the surgery.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 19
The patient is a 46-year-old female who underwent a Deep Plane Facelift an extended Deep plane Neck Lift under local anesthesia with oral sedation. She is now 2 months out from the surgery with significant improvement in her neck and jawline and overall improved facial contouring.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 20
The patient is a 47-year-old female who underwent a Deep Plane Facelift and extended Deep plane Neck Lift under local anesthesia with oral sedation. She is now 1 month out from the surgery with a beautiful jawline and neckline.
Individual results may vary.
Patient 21
The patient is a 47-year-old female who underwent a Deep Plane Facelift and an Extended Deep plane Neck Lift. She is now 2 months out from the surgery with a significantly improved jawline and deep neckline.
Individual results may vary.